Kazan Soda

Kazan Soda Electric Üretim Inc. was established on 2011 in order to extract, operate, and extract the trona discovered in 1998 within Ankara's Kazan and Sincan Provinces.

Kazan Soda Electric is the largest natural heavy trona and sodium bicarbonate producer in Europe.

The Trona mine located in the Kazan and Sincan districts of Ankara, is extracted to the surface by solution mining, a safe and environmentally friendly mining technique. Trona is the most common of the soda minerals found in nature.

Kazan Soda plant consists of three sub-units: mining, process, and cogeneration power plant.

In Kazan Soda Process Plant, 2.5 million tons of Dense Soda Ash (Sodium Carbonate) and 200,000 tons of Sodium Bicarbonate is produced annually.

Dense Soda Ash (Sodium Carbonate) and Sodium Bicarbonate products are exported to many regions in the world. Kazan Soda production plant, meets 14 % of the total natural trona needs of the world.